Big Tooth Todd on Tour for Dental Health Week



July 16, 2019

Big Tooth Todd will be touring with Big Trev from 1029 Hot Tomato in August! Each Friday from August 2nd to Friday August 23rd, Todd will show up at 2.30pm at local primary schools across the Gold and Tweed Coast.

The team will be on-site for quarter of an hour giving away 10 x $100 cash to the first people to find them. The only trick is you need to know the weekly code word. To find out what the code word is, 1029 Hot Tomato’s Big Trev will announce it on location during the 2.30pm live cross. Make sure you get there as quickly as possible to claim your $100 as the team will be there for around 15 minutes!

Stay tuned in to Hot Tomato for live updates and to know when all 10 x $100 have been given away.

Dental Health Week 2019

This year’s dental health week takes place from August 5th to 11th 2019 with the key question “How’s your oral health tracking?”. It aims to motivate Australians to get their oral health on track. The main factors influencing oral health are:

  • Brushing at least twice daily with fluoride toothpaste
  • Floss or use interdental brushes to clean between teeth and gumline at least once a day
  • Regular preventative dental visits for check-ups
  • A healthy and balanced diet limited in sugar

The tagline is based of the ADA Oral Health Tracker report cards which were published on World Oral Health Day in March 2019. The initiative documents track the oral health status of Australians. The technical paper is the first of its kind in the world and it clearly highlights some shortfalls in our Australian society in terms of looking after our oral health.

 Key findings of the oral health tracker included:

  • 1 out of 2 Australians don’t brush their teeth twice a day
  • Around 40% never floss or clean in between their teeth
  • 65% haven’t seen a dentist in the last two years
  • 3 out of 4 young people between 14 and 18 years consume too much sugar 

In the research paper, the ADA also defined goals they want to achieve including improving these numbers by 2025. Read more about their findings, goals and how Coastal Dental Care supports these goals in our blog post.

About Dental Health Week

Dental Health Week a major annual oral health campaign of the Australian Dental Association. The goal is to educate the Australian population about the importance of good oral health through all stages of life. Another major objective is to motivate and educate dentists to promote oral health and to encourage the ongoing collaboration between dentists and the ADA.

Coastal Dental Care is proud to support the Dental Health Week and the Gold and Tweed Coast communities with their oral health needs. To promote this year’s dental health week, Big Tooth Todd will be visiting our youngest Australians at schools.

Coastal Dental Care visiting Schools and Kindergartens

 If you are interested in educating a kindergarten or school, Coastal Dental Care also offers school visits with our local dentists and Big Tooth Todd. Find out more about school visits on our community page.