
Orthodontics Gold Coast Qld

Get straighter teeth without braces! Invisalign are revolutionary and virtually invisible orthodontic treatment which allow you to get straighter teeth without braces.

Orthodontics Dental Treatment


Straighter teeth with Orthodontics

Orthodontics involves the proper positioning of teeth and the relationship between teeth and the jaw bone.

A common orthodontic problem is malocclusion (bad bite). Typical reasons for malocclusion are crowded teeth, extra or missing teeth, wrongly positioned teeth, or misaligned jaws.

Orthodontic treatments are designed to straighten your teeth or realign your jaw over a period of time.

Invisalign & SureSmiles®

Clear Aligners are a braces-free orthodontic option. The treatment consists of a set of custom-made, clear aligners.

The patient can remove these aligners when they eat, drink or as they wish – as long as they are worn for the prescribed 20-22 hours a day.

Clear Aligner treatments have no age restriction. Whether you are 14 or 40, depending on the severity of your orthodontic issue, you may be eligible for this treatment.

Orthodontics Gold Coast

If you would like to know more about one of our treatment options, please contact one of our practices today.

Get started on your smile journey today

Give us a call or book an appointment to discuss your treatment options today

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