Why should oral health be a priority in pregnancy?



November 24, 2021

Oral health in pregnancy is one of those things that is easy to ignore in the treadmill of O&G, GP appointments, marathon physiotherapy and baby-prep sessions – but did you know that the state of your teeth and mouth can determine both your health and your child’s future health?

There’s so many things to worry about during pregnancy that small things can be skipped.

Effects of oral health problems during pregnancy

Researchers found that severe gum disease in pregnant women can cause premature and low birth weight. (Role of Maternal Periodontitis in Preterm Birth 2017)

It is also suggested that up to 18 out of each 100 premature births could be connected to severe gum infection (periodontal disease). The good news is that gum disease can be treated by a dental specialist during pregnancy.

It is highly suggested that oral care routines are an essential part of perinatal health. At the point when you are pregnant, you should address clinical concerns quickly, including toothaches. You can do this by visiting your trusted dentist or oral health therapist.

What is by all accounts simply a minor concern could transform into an oral disease that can spread all through your body and even to your child. It is important to remember that waiting for your next regular check up, post-delivery, might not address these concerns in time.

Dental Care While Pregnant

Do not skip a dental appointment just because you’re pregnant

Pregnancy highly contributes to more periodontal problems than not being pregnant. A little less than half of women manifest gum disease at some point during their pregnancy. In the event that you, as of now, have gum disease, being pregnant can exacerbate it.

Tell your dental specialist that you are pregnant

Routine dental care should be possible any time during pregnancy. Any urgent procedure should be possible, too. All elective cosmetic dental procedures may be delayed until after the delivery but, it is recommended that you have a chat with your dentist. Before attending your dental appointments, check with your obstetrician to check whether they have any special precautionary measures or guidelines for you.

Name all medications that you are taking

It is important to name all the medication you are taking, including pre-birth nutrients endorsed by your physician. Your dental specialist may have to adjust your dental treatment plan depending on this data.

X-rays may be necessary during pregnancy

Dental X-rays may be necessary during pregnancy, but you should be advised of the risks before undertaking an X-ray and offered X-ray shielding to safeguard your mid-region and thyroid. Your dental specialist will discuss the possible effects on you and your child, and why this is necessary, as well as alternatives. Today, advances in innovation have made X-rays a lot safer than in the past.

Pay attention to any changes in your gums

At home, you should pay specific attention to any changes in your gums during pregnancy. Tenderness, bleeding, and gum swelling are red flags and signs that you should schedule a dental check up as soon as possible.

Practice good oral hygiene every day

You should follow great oral hygiene practices to help reduce oral conditions from arising. This includes:

  • Brushing twice a day
  • Flossing at least once every day
  • Using an antimicrobial mouth rinse

Teeth check up and clean on the Gold Coast

If you are looking for a detailed oral examination on the Gold Coast, contact one of our friendly staff today at any of our dental clinics. Alternatively, you can book an appointment online, 24/7. Our price of $200includes a check-up and clean, x-ray, polish, scale and fluoride!