Dr William Dear About Continuing Education for Dentists



August 6, 2018

At Coastal Dental Care, we constantly strive to deliver a great patient experience. A part of this initiative is the continuing education of our dentists and staff. Dr William Dear, owner and dentist at Coastal Dental Care Runaway Bay has just completed his Master’s Degree in Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics. Our team met with Will and asked him how his practice and patients will benefit from his new set of skills.

Will – you have now completed your Master’s Degree in Fixed and Removable Prosthodontics. What does this enable you to do at your practice Coastal Dental Care Runaway Bay?

Prosthodontics is the area of dentistry that relates to the restoration of oral health, function and appearance of patients with clinical conditions associated with missing or deficient teeth. Completing this degree has allowed me to treat patients with more complex dental issues such as tooth wear, complex aesthetics and occlusal problems.

Treatment for such issues may involve the use of composite resin, porcelain crowns, bridges, veneers, dental implants or dentures and range from treatment on single teeth to full mouth rehabilitation.

Why did you decide to do a Master’s degree in Prosthodontics?

I’ve always enjoyed the restorative and cosmetic side of dentistry and feel that this is where my strengths as a dentist lie.  I decided to study for a Master’s degree as I wanted to improve my knowledge and clinical skills in these areas and therefore improve the quality of treatment that I offer to our patients at Coastal Dental Care Runaway Bay.

Tell us about the degree.

It’s a 4 year course run by King’s College London, one of the world’s leading universities. Although you have to travel abroad every year to complete some of the clinical work, much of the course work is completed through their blended learning online platform and on your own patients. This course structure is perfect for someone like myself who runs a busy practice and isn’t able to take a lot of time away from work.

What did you enjoy the most about it?

Learning from world class teachers, meeting passionate, talented dentists from around the world and learning new techniques that have changed the way that I practice (for the better!)

What got you interested in dentistry in the first place? Why did you choose dentistry as a profession (and not soccer)?

Yes, playing for the mighty Chelsea FC would have been my first career choice, sadly it wasn’t meant to be. I first became interested in dentistry when my brother visited the dentist and had a really positive experience. As someone who enjoyed science at school and liked to help people, I had always been interested in a career in the health industry.

I asked my brother’s dentist if I could come and observe him at work for a day and found it fascinating. From that day I decided that dentistry would be the career for me and I haven’t looked back.

Do you have any future study plans?

This degree took up a lot of family time over the last 4 years, so my wife would kill me if I started another Master’s any time soon!

However, dentistry is a profession where you must constantly study and update your knowledge so I plan on continuing to do this in the form of short courses, conferences and study clubs.

What advice would you give other dentists who are looking to complete a Master’s?

It’s not easy juggling work, study and family life but I would definitely recommend it.  I’ve found that going back to study has been very rewarding.

It’s made me more passionate about dentistry, allowed me to treat more complex cases and improved the way I work in general.

The one piece of advice I would offer for anyone considering completing a Master’s though is it does take up a lot of your free time so make sure you have the support of your family. I couldn’t have done it without the backing of my beautiful and long-suffering wife, Melissa.

Would you like to book an appointment with Dr William Dear or our team at Coastal Dental Care Runaway Bay? Give their friendly team a call on 07 5537 3377 or book online.